Welcome to my blog.

I am Swedish illustrator based in Barcelona with a passion for all things inspiring, quirky and cute. On this blog I post my work (mainly illustrations) but also photos of inspiring bit and bobs that I stumble upon. You can also check out my work on my website, www.barbarataube.com.
Follow me on twitter for my latest updates @barbarataube.

I am a member of the Assosiaciò Profesional d´Ilustradors de Catalunya. www.apic.es

I hope you enjoy it!

Thursday 13 January 2011

Illustration; The Englishman

The Englisman. Just one of those characters.


  1. I LIKE! :D /Louice Fjällbacka

  2. Thanks! Brings back old memories from one´s old student days, doesn´t it? Haha...

  3. great work babs
    Hug, Sharon
