Welcome to my blog.

I am Swedish illustrator based in Barcelona with a passion for all things inspiring, quirky and cute. On this blog I post my work (mainly illustrations) but also photos of inspiring bit and bobs that I stumble upon. You can also check out my work on my website, www.barbarataube.com.
Follow me on twitter for my latest updates @barbarataube.

I am a member of the Assosiaciò Profesional d´Ilustradors de Catalunya. www.apic.es

I hope you enjoy it!

Wednesday 25 April 2012

Exhibition at Broströms kafé in Uppsala, Sweden

I am very happy to have an exhibition that will open this Saturday 5th of May at www.brostromskafe.com in Uppsala- my hometown!

The illustrations I will show were done for the book "Två feta taxar i Skene och andra limerickar" by Elisa Melin, who has a great talent and imagination for rhyming.

The limerick is a five-line poem written according to a special rhyme-scheme (AABBA) and it should have a witty and humorous content. The first line must end with the name of a geographical place.