Welcome to my blog.

I am Swedish illustrator based in Barcelona with a passion for all things inspiring, quirky and cute. On this blog I post my work (mainly illustrations) but also photos of inspiring bit and bobs that I stumble upon. You can also check out my work on my website, www.barbarataube.com.
Follow me on twitter for my latest updates @barbarataube.

I am a member of the Assosiaciò Profesional d´Ilustradors de Catalunya. www.apic.es

I hope you enjoy it!

Wednesday 25 April 2012

Exhibition at Broströms kafé in Uppsala, Sweden

I am very happy to have an exhibition that will open this Saturday 5th of May at www.brostromskafe.com in Uppsala- my hometown!

The illustrations I will show were done for the book "Två feta taxar i Skene och andra limerickar" by Elisa Melin, who has a great talent and imagination for rhyming.

The limerick is a five-line poem written according to a special rhyme-scheme (AABBA) and it should have a witty and humorous content. The first line must end with the name of a geographical place.

Wednesday 28 March 2012

General Strike in Spain March 29th

As public dissatisfaction culminates in a general strike here in Spain on the 29th of March, maybe it is time for Prime Minister Rajoy to do what any sensible person born in the seventies would have done long ago; ask Obi Wan Kenobi for help.

"Help me, Obi Wan Kenobi. You´re my only hope".